Written by Fredia Lucas and Edited by Alana Anderson

Black History Month shouldn’t just be about remembering the past contributions and sacrifices Black people have made, it should also be about imagining a future where Black people are celebrated and showcased to the highest degree.
In this week’s issue, I am dreaming and envisioning a future, and more specifically, a film idea that gets me hype.
Pixar recently released the film Soul, which featured their first Black character lead. Now I have my critiques on the film Soul, but I’ll keep those to myself until I can speak with the people at Pixar directly. What I can say, is that the film has me eager to see more Black faces in a feature Pixar film. More specifically I’m praying for Pixar to make a film centered around a Black family. The great thing about this? Pixar already has the perfect character in their portfolio to make this happen. Frozone from The Incredibles.

One of the most memorable and iconic moments in the first Incredibles films is the dialogue between Lucius Best aka Frozone and his wife Honey. The scene unfolds while Frozone frantically looks for his super suit, which he needs to assist The Incredibles in fighting Syndrome’s robot who is wreaking havoc on the city. Despite not physically seeing Frozone’s wife, audiences across the world fell in love with her iconic one-liner, “I am your wife. I am the greatest go-ood you are EVER gonna' get”. Declared in a tone of voice that only a Black woman who knows her self value can convey.
Honey, Lucius, and the rest of the Best family would make an incredible feature-length film. Here’s how.
A young Frozone is on his first day of Superhero training camp. Frozone is introduced to his cohort of fellow supers including a shy Gazerbeam, punk rock and rambunctious Elastigirl, and an overconfident skinny fellow named Strongerman who would later change his name to Mr. Incredible. The group of four is escorted through superhero training learning the ins & outs and the to do’s and what not to do’s.
The last stop of their first day of training takes them to the Superhero Uniform Performance Engineering Studio (SUPES) which is a high fashion design agency that moonlights as a design studio for superheroes. SUPES is commanded by the creative director, Edna Mode.

It is during this time at SUPES that Frozone first encounters his future wife, Honey, who is a young design intern. Honey is tasked with collecting Frozone’s measurements for his specific super suit. Frozone is immediately smitten with Honey and begins to pursue her, despite the fact that Honey doesn’t date clients. However, Edna encourages Honey to give Lucius a chance, and the rest is history. It is later revealed on a date that Honey received her internship with Edna not only because of her skills in design and fashion but also because Honey is a super herself. Lucius learns of this on a date when Honey’s powers are needed to get them out of a dangerous situation.
Outside of this glimpse into the past, the film primarily focuses on Frozone and Honey in the present with their two daughters Denise and Marie. The family lives in the Bay Area as Lucius is a native while Honey is originally from Maryland. Denise & Marie are both in school and are working to understand what it means to have superhero abilities and the responsibility that comes with them. Unlike the Incredibles, The Best’s don’t have the luxury to jump from one identity to the next, and so the entire family is struggling to balance their seemingly glamorous day jobs with their exceptional talents. The film is about a family bond, intergenerational wisdom, social responsibility, and a coming of age story for the two daughters.
In a future life, I am a Casting Director and Animation Studio Executive. I took some creative license here to build out the family, what their powers are, what they’re like, and who I think should play them in the movie.

Character: Lucius Best
Voice Actor: Samuel L. Jackson
Character Details:
Husband of Honey Best
Father of Denise & Marie Best
Friend of Mr. Incredible & Elastigirl
Occupation= Chief Creative Officer at an architecture design firm
Super Name: Frozone
Power: Freezes water
Personality: Personable, charming, funny, fashionable
Character: Honey Best
Voice Actor: Kimberly Adair Clark (not pictured)
Character Details:
Wife of Lucius Best
Mother to Marie & Denise Best
Friend of Mr. Incredible & Elastigirl
Occupation = Creative Director of Luxury Fashion Line
Super Name = Annie Morph
Power = Animorph
Personality: Fashionable, warm, brilliant, charming, sweet

Character: Marie Best
Voice Actor: Megan Thee Stallion
Character Details:
The youngest daughter of Lucius & Kimberly
High School student & Varsity hockey player
Super Name = N/A
Power = Mind Reader/Telepathy
Personality: Competitive, hard-working, confident, fashionable, anime nerd

Character: Denise Best
Voice Actor: Dominique Fishback
Character Details:
The eldest daughter of Lucius & Honey
Student at University of California
Super Name = N/A
Power = Power Absorption
Personality: Chill, intellectual, fashionable, neo-soul junky

Character: Grandma Smith
Voice Actor: Roz Ryan
Character Details:
Mother to Honey Best
Day Job= Retired
Super Name = Stopmotion
Power = Time Bending/Freezing Time
Personality: Wise, calm, hilarious, fashionable
I’m sure some of you are wondering how I landed on Megan Thee Stallion, Dominique Fishback, and Roz Ryan to play the new female co-stars in the film. Trust me, I know what I’m doing here.
When I think about the character Marie and her personality, I see a young woman who is friendly and personable while simultaneously aware that she’s amazing. Marie’s talent in her craft inspires others to excel in their own right. The 14-year-old hockey sensation, a skill she learned from her Father, welcomes collaboration and most importantly is willing to lead others to find their individual spark. Who would be better to play this role than the Hot Girl Coach herself? Plus Megan Thee Stallion is a cartoon and anime nerd in real life, which is a focal point in Marie’s story arc.
I first encountered Dominique Fishback in her role as Najja in Random Acts of Flyness and was happily surprised to see her as Robin in Project Power. In each role that Dominique embodies, she conveys honesty, depth, and when appropriate a hilariousness that I believe will bring the character, Denise, to life. This weekend Judas & The Black Messiah will premiere on HBO, of which Dominique is one of the main characters. I have no doubt that Ms. Fishback will excel in this role as she has done in each role beforehand.
Roz Ryan has the voice of an angel, literally. Ms. Ryan played Thalia, one of the iconic muses in Disney’s 1997 film Hercules. Since then Ms. Ryan has lent her voice to shows like Kim Possible, Adventure Time, and Teen Titans Go! Roz Ryan is the Black Grandmother this film needs.
Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of feature animated films centering on Black characters and their Black families. Outside of The Proud Family Movie and Bebe’s Kids, what other films can you name? There is a hole in the market, and if Soul has taught us anything it’s that universal stories can be told with Black characters as the focal point. Black families matter and there is a huge social and financial opportunity to tell these stories.
In an ideal world Frozone, The Movie is already in development. If it’s not, I pray that anyone from Pixar reading and enjoying this blog has the decency to reach out to me if they want to use any of my ideas. It’s my dream to work on this film.
With that being said, if Pixar doesn’t make this movie, I’ll make it myself one day.